Edward Van Sieleghem Apps

Instinct - Cellular automata 1.0
The purpose of Instinct is the definition and simulation ofcellular automata. For this end, entities are used which live in a2D universe. They evolve through discrete time according to rules.Game of Life (by John Conway) is by far the most popular cellularautomaton of its kind. This is but one of the almost infinitepossible structures that can be defined in Instinct. To getstarted, the application offers a collection of tutorials withsimple yet fascinating results. It will make you familiar with theconcepts of cellular automata, and will give you a basic skillsetfor making your own simulations. The automata that are covered inthe tutuorals include: - Game of Life - Other Life-like automata -WireWorld - Cyclic cellular automata - Greenberg-Hastings automata- Multi-state Life-like automata (Brian's Brain)